Islas Plaza

These are two sm all islets that were formed a short distance from the East Coast of Santa Cruz.  Despite its small size, some of the most interesting and outstanding species of the archipelago occur here.  The principal attractions of Plazas are the land iguanas, sea lions and swallow–tailed gulls.  It is possible to observe land iguanas relaxing in the shade of cactus plants and swallow-tailed gulls nesting on the rugged southern cliffs (which we will see along with various other sea birds).   And that´s not all as the protected rocky seashore is a pri me habitat for a large colony of noisy sea lions.  Also we will be able to see yellow – tail ed mullets, Audubon’s shearwaters, red-billed tropicbirds, frigate birds, and brown pelicans gli ding pa st the cliffs